The most important component of your WordPress website is the database as without it your website is nothing. The database store, retrieve and display every part which you have onboard while in order to keep enhancing your website’s database performance, it is much important to have the best plugin with you. Here in this article, I have rounded up an excellent dataset plugins collection for your WordPress website.
Database Browser
There are often the times when you require checking some WordPress database tables, but you don’t have an access to PHPMyAdmin available. At such time, the plugin will help you out as you can easily query your data and export it in HTML, XML, CSV and JSON formats with a simple plugin.
Contact Form DB
The plugin saves contact form submissions to your WordPress database and provides short codes in return to retrieve and display the data. The data you get saved from Contact Form 7 and Fast Secure Contact Form.
Portable phpMyAdmin
The plugin allows a user to access the phpMyAdmin section straight from the Dashboard. If the user doesn’t know the MySQL credentials, the plugin extracts them straight from wp-config.php.
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
The plugin is a ‘One Click’ WordPress Database Cleaner / Optimizer. It lets you delete redundant revisions of posts and pages, delete trashed posts, pages, comments, spammed comments, ‘orphan postmeta items.’ It also optimizes the database tables, creates a log files of the optimization.
DB Toolkit
The plugin allows you to build additional Content Management Structures and Database Applications right into your website. You can build Capture Forms, Reports, your own plugins, Image Galleries, Sliders, Databases, staff management, Hotel Booking systems.
The plugin allows you to optimize database, repair database, backup database, restore database, delete backup database, drop/empty tables and run selected queries. It also supports automatic scheduling of backing up, optimizing and repairing of database.
User Meta Manager
The plugin lets you add, edit, or delete user Meta data with this handy plugin. It also easily restricts access or inserts user Meta data into posts or pages.
Participants Database
The plugin offers all the functionality require to build and maintain a fully customizable database of participants or members with signup forms, admin backend, custom lists, and CSV support.
Plugins Garbage Collector
The plugin scans your WordPress database and shows the various things old plugins (which you either deactivated or uninstalled) left in it. You do even cleanup the things also as the plugin brings an option for that too.
WP Migrate DB
The plugin allows you to exports your database, does a find and replace on URLs and file paths, then allows you to save it to your computer.
Adminer (known formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured MySQL management tool written in PHP. It lets you deploy your single file to the target server. It includes the tool in WordPress which will be required for a fast management of your database. This plugin also supports Multisite Installs only as Network Admin, letting users add menu item on Settings and also an link to WP Admin Bar to the item Network Admin.
Debug Objects
The Plugin provides administrator a large number of information, including memory usage, load time, included files, operating System, server, WordPress version, language, cookie definitions, file permissions, separate user and usermeta tables, FTP and SSH definitions, detailed Query information, conditional tags, theme information, template Information, cron content, cache content, hooks and filters, and many more.
WP Clean Up
The plugin helps you clean up the WordPress database by removing revision, draft, auto draft, moderated comments, spam comments, trash comments, orphan postmeta, orphan commentmeta, orphan relationships anddashboard transient feed. It allows you to optimize your WordPress database without phpMyAdmin.
Search and Replace
The plugin lets you find strings in your database and replace the string by doing simple search. You can search in ID, post-content, GUID, titel, excerpt, meta-data, comments, comment-author, comment-e-mail, comment-url, tags/categories and categories-description.
WordPress Database Reset
The plugin is a secure and easy way to reinitialize the WordPress database to its default settings.