You often wondered one-to-many times that there will be some tool with which you can sort and/or filter the shortcodes, posts, pages, links, spam, comments or any other thing which you have in your WordPress blog. To make this thing possible for you, in this article, I have collected the best WordPress filter plugins.
Latest Custom Post Type Updates
The plugin allows you to widgetized display of your filtered regular posts in a widget.
WordPress Options
The plugin allows you to easily add options to your products, themes or plugins.
IP Filter
The plugin allows you to grant or deny access to a list of IP addresses.
Advanced Post Manager
The plugin allows you to turbo charge your posts admin for any custom post type with sortable filters and columns, and auto-registration of metaboxes.
WP Hide Post
The plugin enables you to control the visibility of items on your blog by making posts/pages hidden on some parts of your blog, while still visible in other part.
wpautop control
The plugin allows you to add a global setting to turn the wpautop filter on and off as well as to override this default for any post by adding a wpautop custom field.
LionScripts: IP Blocker Lite
The plugin allows you to stop the Spam Visitors and malicious IP Addresses. You can block IP addresses by using the manual method or the Bulk IPs Upload method.
Display Widgets
The plugin simply hide widgets on specified pages as well as add checkboxes to each widget to either show or hide it on every site page.
BP Profile Search
The plugin adds a configurable search form to your BuddyPress site allowing your visitors to find site members searching their extended profiles.
Awesome Filterable Portfolio
The plugin lets you create a very modern and outstanding filterable portfolio.
Menu Item Visibility Control
The plugin lets you use WordPress Conditional Tags to enable or disable menu items on the front-end. It works like ‘Widget Logic’ but for menu items.
Ultimate Tables
The plugin lets you create, manage and design tables without writing html code with options like paging, sorting, filtering, and searching on board.
WebPurify Profanity Filter
The plugin with the help of powerful WebPurify Profanity Filter API will allow you to stop profanity in comments.
Allow HTML in Category Descriptions
The plugin allows you to use unfiltered HTML in your category descriptions by disabling selected WordPress filters.
The plugin hides all your email adresses, with and without a mailto-link, by converting them using javascript or UNICODE.
Remove WordPress to WordPress filter
The plugin will turn off the default filter that changes all instances of “WordPress” to “WordPress”.
Frontpage category filter
The plugin allows you to show on your frontpage only posts from the categories that you select.
Widget Logic
The plugin lets you control on which pages widgets appear using WP’s conditional tags. It also adds a ‘widget_content’ filter.